A 501(c) Nonprofit Organization
Through all the work we do at Sunshine Acres, nothing is more important to us than ministry. We host our Romance Roundpen Ministry here on the third Saturday of every month from 5-8 p.m., inviting all for free to come experience country farm life and fill their hearts with Fellowship. We’ll have hayrides, riding on lead, petting zoos, and more!
Romance Roundpen Ministry was founded in 2003 after Sandy was diagnosed with terminal cancer and doctors said she had little time left. After making a full recovery, she wanted to share a bit of the blessings God had given her with others. Now, as a licensed Full Gospel minister, she offers Weddings and Counseling right on her beautiful ranch.
Child Sponsorships and Donations
If you’re looking to help a child experience the joy of horse riding, please consider sponsoring lessons! Simply use our donation button below and include the instructions for how you’d like your donation to be used. We also gladly accept donations to help care for animals or to sponsor the food for one of our monthly ministry sessions. Thank you so much, and God Bless you!
Ministry through our Work
When we work with our horses in the Roundpen, Ministry is a key part of our process. We guide our horses from carnal, untrained animals to spiritual, submitted beings. And, by focusing on God, we aim to move ourselves through the same journey. By doing right and focusing on good, we help horse and human alike find peace and deeper understanding by coming to trust in the Lord.